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What is Night View Assist?

1. Night View Assist system

A survey shows that 60 percent of traffic accidents occur at night and bad weather conditions, mainly because of poor driving sight, the vehicle speed is relatively high due to . Especially at night no street lights on the road, restricted car headlight illumination distance, driving at night there will be a security risk.

It is mainly used automotive night vision system is a thermal imaging technology, also known as infrared imaging. The principle is: any object will emit heat, different temperature objects emit heat. Humans, animals and vehicles heat dissipation compared with the surrounding environment to be more. Night Vision will be able to collect this information, and then converted into a visual image, originally put at night see objects clearly presented in front increase the safety of driving at night.

car night vision systems for the driver to bring a great sense of security. According to experiments showed that the general automobile illuminates only about 100m, and night vision can see at least traffic information system other than the 450m, but it is one-fourth the power consumption of the headlamp. If the car traveling in front of an adult type of person, a driver with good eyesight can use low beam lights he saw him at the 88m distance, with a high beam can reach 164m, and was able to use night vision systems found in front of the 458m away pedestrians, although it is on the screen just a small light emitting point. On the other hand, even if the open car headlights does not affect the displayed image, an oncoming car lights car does not make a strong night vision system blinding. In addition, night vision systems are all-weather electronic eye, in rain and snow, all the objects and roadside on the highway fog weather can also panoramic view, greatly improve the safety of motor cars.

At present, more and more automobile manufacturers began to develop and use the car night vision system, which not only improve driving safety, but also to increase their degree of luxury. However, because of the cost, the major foreign-vehicle depot just use night vision system in its luxury models such as the BMW 7 Series, Mercedes S-class and so on. But with the development of technology and night vision systems production in the near futureReduce costs, vehicle night vision system will be universal.

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