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What is Shock Absorber?

1. Introduction

damper (Absorber), the system is an important automotive suspension apparatus for reducing vibration caused by a vehicle body and other components, with the increase in ride comfort.

2, Type

Usually a common damper types, hydraulic damper, the damper springs, rubber shock absorbers, air shock absorber. Big damper on the car are hydraulic shock absorber, Here to talk about acting hydraulic shock absorber.

3, action

is mainly used to suppress the shock absorber when the shock-absorbing springs and rebound after the impact from the road surface. When after a rough road, although the shock-absorbing spring can filter the vibration of the road, but the spring itself will have to reciprocate, and the shock absorber is used to inhibit this spring jump.
the damper is too soft, the body will jump up and down, the shock absorber is too hard will bring too much resistance to impede the normal operation of the spring. In the conversion process on the suspension system, the shock absorber to be matched hard and stiff spring, and the spring stiffness of the vehicle weight and closely related, and therefore generally use heavier vehicles harder damper. Means in contact with the lead shock crankshaft, torsional vibrations counter for the crankshaft (i.e., a crankshaft by cylinder firing impact force twisting phenomenon).

4, the structural principle

Since the elastic suspension system vibration generated by the impact member, to improve vehicle ride, the suspension damper mounted in parallel with the elastic member, the vibration attenuation , vehicle suspension system uses mostly hydraulic shock absorber which works when the inter-frame (or body) and axle vibrations relative movement occurs, the piston moves up and down inside a shock absorber, reducing shock absorber fluid chamber will be repeatedThrough from one chamber into the other chamber different pore. At this time, the friction between the fluid and the friction between the hole wall and the molecules of oil vibration damping force is formed, the automobile vibration energy into thermal energy fluid and then absorbed by the damper emitted to the atmosphere.

5, fault symptoms

Symptoms: on a flat road, you can hear the sound slightly “Goo” front of the vehicle, when the increased sound sharp turns. When the stop checks, firmly hold down the front of the vehicle to make it up and down the rebound, abnormal sound, and the greater the force, the greater the noise.
a diagnosis: vehicles are usually traveling on bad roads and inadequate maintenance, oil spills and damage caused by the shock absorber.
Resolution: depending on the severity of damage in this case for repair or replacement.
Symptoms II: oil, seal portion, the upper portion of the oil leaking from the damper seal body, and the damper once the movement, the more severe the oil droplets.
Diagnostic II: injury or attached to the piston rod seal damage caused by foreign matter causing the sealing properties are lost.
Solutions: In this case we recommend replacing new parts or new shock absorbers.
three symptoms: When starting or braking the vehicle body vertical severe turbulence, the occupant feels unstable. .
three Diagnosis: damper obsolescence.
Solution: We recommend replacing shock absorber, so that the body bumps up and down feeling, small vibration reduction, the more smooth and comfortable ride.
four symptoms: tilt when cornering fast, the steering wheel tends to malfunction.
Diagnostic IV: damper obsolescence.
Solution: We recommend replacing the shock absorber, so that the swing car body is suppressed, reducing the feeling of the pediment when the brake and provocative sense of when to start.
Since the damper obsolescence, if regularly replaced, it can lead to red when the vehicle braking potential forward more fierce braking distance is longer.
If you can not accurately judge the above symptoms, it is recommended to 4S store or repair shop regular use of diagnostic equipment and relevant examination to determine whether to replace.

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