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How about the prospect of new energy vehicles?

no doubt, for the auto market in recent years, new energy vehicles will be quite high while a heat debate a more market segments. It is said that the new energy automobile current product strength is not convincing, so the market is not optimistic about the prospects will; It was also said to help with policy support and market trends, and prospects for new energy vehicles in the future is bound to be bright. The fact that they like that? Today, this article will come and talk to you briefly the prospect of new energy vehicles.

good: policy and trends

First is that why the prospect of new energy vehicles is good, or some good presence aspect. One policy, even if the current domestic policy has been retired slope, but the overall trend of view, the policy for new energy vehicles is still a huge help, whether policy or the policy of subsidies convenience, can make this promising market; the other One trend. In related environmental regulations become more stringent today, the entire car market in the trend towards new energy in advance, which is no doubt also confirms the future prospects for new energy vehicles.

Bad: product strength, false environmental protection

then say why the prospects for new energy vehicles is “bad”, or some level of adverse factors exist. First, product strength, had to admit that, in terms of current products power new energy automotive products market as a whole, is far less fuel vehicles, which also is now many consumers will not select a new energy vehicles major points ; the other is false environmental protection. Many research institutions are pointed out, today’s new energy vehicles, can not be considered truly environmentally friendly, carbon throughout their life processes resulting emissions would be even higher than fuel vehicles.

Summary: The above is some of the views on the prospects of new energy vehicles. How would you treat it? May as well give us a message in the comments section, we see the next article!

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