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New energy vehicles and hybrid fuel vehicles which cost higher?

plug-in hybrid cars with higher fuel whose cost? I think this is a lot of car consumers will want to consider the questions raised. Today we launched from two large dimensions of the issues discussed, there have been tangled or you are now entangled, perhaps this article can be a reference.

using the cost comparison

higher plug-in hybrid cars and fuel whose cost? First, the prices for the same models, for example, will no doubt be higher plug-in hybrid’s prices, this is a fact beyond doubt; followed by the use of cost, most of the plug-in hybrid few owners will plug their daily use, fuel consumption and fuel cars basically the same; and finally the cost of late, whether maintenance or increasing the rate when selling cars, more fuel vehicles will be an advantage. In summary, the cost will be lower fuel vehicles.

Why insert mix?

Since it is a fuel vehicles more advantage from the use of cost, then we have no reason to choose the plug-in hybrid it? Because of its identity. You know, plug-in hybrid is to fall within the scope of new energy vehicles, and enjoy the relevant policies and subsidy policies convenience, which for some to live in a small partner in terms of licensing restrictions limit line of the city will no doubt be a huge temptation. Comprehensive view, I prefer to be seen as a plug-in hybrid-type product policy.

Summary: If you do not have some of the issues the license or limit line is, just from the cost point of view, but also a fuel vehicles more worthy of recommendation.

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