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What is a blown engine?

1. blown engine

blew into the automobile tachometer red light, since the temperature is too high, the piston of the cylinder in the expansion card, causing engine scrap, serious due to excessive pressure and the piston I can not move, will emit thick flame phenomenon.


1, poor heat dissipation effect of the engine so that the engine operating temperature exceeds the original design able to withstand temperatures;

2 , or poor quality cycle engine oil caused by insufficient lubrication;

3, and intake and exhaust system of the engine to adjust ignition timing is not accurate;

4, the workload of the engine through the the so-called high-caused phenomenon blew up or shrink cylinder occurs.

For such a high scientific and technological content of racing, the situation in front of several possibilities will occur is relatively low, and the main question should be that the engine load caused by excessive.

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