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What is height adjustable headlights?

headlight height adjustable by adjusting means in order to obtain optimum headlight height irradiation distance so to avoid danger.

1. Headlight height adjustable noun

headlight height adjustable by adjusting means in order to obtain optimum headlight height irradiation distance so to avoid danger. This is a security configuration lights, headlights generally by the motor to adjust the height by an electric manner, for optimal irradiation distance, to avoid the risk of running.

2. Height adjustable headlights works

The adjustment method is usually divided into two types of manual and automatic adjustment. Manual adjustment: a driver according to road conditions, headlight controls the irradiation angle adjustment dial wheel rolling vehicle by lighting, for example, adjusting the angle of irradiation to the low uphill, downhill adjusted to a high angle radiation. Automatic adjustment: automatic adjustment function having a light car, the body is equipped with several sensors capable of detecting the dynamic equilibrium of the vehicle, and automatically adjusts the illumination angle by a preset program.

In general height adjustable headlights of the vehicle interior with a manual adjustment knob, can freely adjust the height of the headlight illumination, but some luxury car headlights are automatically adjust the level, although not a manually tone buttons, the vehicle height sensor can be adjusted according to the relevant automatic headlight.

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