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What is the manufacturer Mercedes-Benz intelligent digital technology headlight?


What is?

DIGITALLIGHT known techniques. Adjustable lighting and road surface region and corresponding navigation information projected to the road by the headlight, to lift the vehicle at night driving safety.


what’s the use?

* and can be more accurately adjust the brightness of the light irradiation range, to avoid disruption to a vehicle in an accident sightline.

· For pedestrians are not completely blocked, but let the light always lower than the pedestrian head. Protection of both pedestrians and road lighting effect. Flag

* can be projected to the sidewalk of the road ahead of the vehicle, headlights directed through the lines, and enhance communication between pedestrians and other drivers or the like.

· specific hazardous situation, special symbols will be projected to the driver to warn pedestrians and other vehicles, and provide road-related information, to avoid the danger.


You know what?

There are four each tablet DigitalLight headlight light source, wherein each light source 1024 by the LED chips. therefore, Using DigitalLight per headlights Mercedes models are equipped with 8192 LED chip. And each of the light sources can be independently controlled.


Further reading

The technology was first installed Mercedes-Benz F015 concept car, when the vehicle detects a pedestrian street crossing the road needs, to large lantern projection zebra crossing the road to help pedestrians more safely by road. When the vehicle moves forward, a large lantern transmission arrow logo. When the taillight road congestion will cast out the word “SLOW” after prompt attention car driving distance.

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