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Winter car wash Note what you know

since the beginning of winter, low temperatures every day, most owners choose to drive to work. With increasing frequency, car wash, car wash also increased the frequency, many vehicle owners to save money, will their own hands, but in winter you can have a car wash university to ask, you know? Look at how to clean without harming the car.

First, the car is preferably wiped with warm water. The water temperature is too high may damage the paint, leading to rupture of the windshield. Further, before driving the car to open the warm air, after the washing water on the window dry with a dry cloth, to prevent the doors and windows on the remaining ice water marks.

Second, in order to save money, many owners do not buy special washing liquid, but use some detergent, even more people will use the laundry powder and soap. This is really a very clean car wash, but these things inside components such as acid, if long-term face paint in the car, it will lead white paint, some of the original luster will cease to exist, cause fading.

Third, after the car wash maintenance: relatively low winter temperatures, so it is necessary to do a good maintenance after washing, especially some of the more easily aging local, automotive interior, dashboard, leather seats, etc., after washing with some protection agents, to avoid cracking phenomenon.

Fourth, after the snow promptly car wash is very important! After the snow, the snow will corrode paint, likely to cause damage to the chassis, will reduce car efficiency. Snow contains a lot of acid, alkali or salt and other corrosive substances, snow on the car body will corrode paint, peeling paint will make a serious impact chassis rust and corrosion for a long period of time likely to cause damage to the chassis, tires may there will be oxidation, cracking, resulting in reduced tire life.

winter outside car really comfortable and warm, but do not forget happy when good care of your car. Good habits can extend its life.

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